About us



In recent years the SFC has published a number of books and sound recordings. The books that have been published are translations of works released by our Finnish sister organization, the SRK. The SFC has also published a songbook Sions sånger och psalmer in 1991. The SFC has also released cassettes and CDs of songs and hymns, and sermons.

The need for swedish publications has grown in recent years. In 2010, the SFC established a publications committee which has a mandate to develop material in the form of sound recordings and texts. Publication work is done voluntarily in independent project groups in the different congregations.

In the summer of 2017 a digital song book was published with a total of 202 songs and hymns. Development of the song book had been going on since 2010. Similar to the previous song books, most of the songs are translations from the SRK's song book. During the spring of 2020 a book about the SFC's 50 year history was completed. The book is called Guds rikes medborgare i Sverige. It is an interesting and appealing publication with many pictures in two languages.

The publication committee's plans for the future are to publish more CDs and books for youth as well as books for children and families.

Our publications are available in our web shop.